T.s.Negi GC Reckongpeo


A scholarship is an award of financial aid for a student to further their education at school, college and university, or other academic institution. Scholarships are awarded based upon various criteria, such as academic merit, diversity and inclusion, financial need, among others.

Thakur Sen Negi Govt . College is offering different scholarship to eligible students offered by centre and state govt . under different schemes.

National Scholarships Portalis one-stop solution through which various services starting from student application, application receipt, processing, sanction and disbursal of various scholarships to Students are enabled.

Various scholarships are available for eligible and deserving students. Information regarding application dates, eligibility criteria, and the application process will be announced on the college notice board periodically. Students can apply for these scholarships online. Applications must be duly attested or verified by the competent authority and accompanied by relevant documents, including certificates of educational qualification, income, category, domicile, college fee receipt, Aadhaar number, and bank account details.

State-Sponsored Scholarship Schemes:

  • IRDP Scholarship Scheme
  • HP University Scholarship
  • Kalpana Chawla Chhatravriti Yojana

Central Government-Sponsored Scholarship Schemes:

  • Post Matriculation Scholarships for SC/ST students
  • Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme for OBC students
  • Maharishi Balmiki Chhatravriti Yojana
  • Post-Merit Scholarship Scheme for Minority Community Students
  • Post-Matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
  • Maulana Azad Scholarship for Girl Students
  • INBA Scholarship for NCC Students
  • INSPIRE Scholarship (for Science students)
Click here to apply for scholarships on National Scholarship Portal

Nodal Officer - Scholarship Schemes

Designation Name Phone Number Email
Nodal Officer (Scholarship Schemes) Mr. Kappor Chand 9418150063 kapoorknr@gmail.com