T.s.Negi GC Reckongpeo

IQAC profile

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has been established to improve the administrative and educational excellence in the institute which looks after the comprehensive growth of the institute. The college is committed towards comprehensive development of the students who generally belong to weaker sections of the society and it’s ensured by the proficient teachers of the institute that none feel left out in this ever changing digital world. The students require more empowerment with regards to students in major colleges of the state and when are motivated in the right direction perform wonders while participating in various academic and sports competitive events and youth festivals. A well balanced approach towards a well rounded development of the student is the major focus of the teachers which is helped by an ideal student teacher ratio in many classes of humanities, sciences and commerce. The college has formulated many committees, clubs and subject societies as NSS, Rover and Ranger, Red Ribbon Club, Eco Club, Science Club, Geographical Society, Women’s Cell ,Commerce Club, Unnati Club and Literary Club are instrumental in evolving the growth of personality of and also nurturing the hidden talents of the students in best possible manner.The students are encouraged to not only excel in academics but are groomed to be self reliant and self assured which may lead them to become a better entrepreneur, a better horticulturist, a better agriculturist and a better contributing citizen of the society, the girl students are also encouraged to inculcate equitable mindset so they can assert for their betterment in the society. The College has a basket ball court, table tennis room, a well equipped gymnasium, and a college ground for various sports activities.The female students can reside in the Girls Hostel which has occupancy for sixty girls which is being fully utilized by the residents. The institute has ensured through its small and assured steps that students feel they are receiving all encompassing education and are competent enough to deal with the challenges of the ever changing global world around and can gain a firm hold in the society.