T.s.Negi GC Reckongpeo
Evaluation System
The Evaluation System in CBCS will consist of two components:
- Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE): accounting for 30% of the final grade that a student gets in a course ; and
- End-Semester Examination (ESE): accounting for the 70% of the final grade that a student gets in a course. remaining
- Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE): This would be following components:
- Classroom Attendance: Each student will have to have the attend a minimum of 75% Lectures /Tutorials/ Practical’s. The 5 marks of the CCE will be awarded on the basis of this attendance.
- Mid-Term Tests: There will be one mid-term test of 15 marks. It is mandatory to appear in mid-term test & every student must score 45% marks to become eligible for end-term examination.
- Seminar /Assignment:The 10 marks of the CCE will be awarded on the basis of seminar/assignment etc. that the course teacher might give to the students.
- End-Semester/Examination (ESE): The remaining 70% of the final grade of the student in a course will be on the basis of an external end-semester examination (ESE) conducted by the university. It will be of three hours duration and cover the entire syllabus of the course as prescribed by the University.