T.s.Negi GC Reckongpeo

vision & mission

Vision :

To understand and impart Indian knowledge system encoded in a very scientific and logical manner in both Vedic and classical Sanskrit literature. To revive and establish the scope and access of the Sanskrit Language to all possible academic and common fields.

भारतीय:ज्ञानम प्रणाली:संस्कृति सभ्यतायश्च विभिन्न शाखाभि: छात्राणाम परिचय करणम।

भारतस्य समृदम संस्कृत विरासतम अभिप्रवृत।

संस्कृत भाषा अध्ययनेन किम -किम व्यवसायानकर्तुं शक्नुम: इति विषये छात्रां अवगत करयितुम प्रयास:।

वेद-वेदांगगनम परमं अभिभावक च समकालीन चिन्तने परिवर्तन विधाय शास्त्रानाम विशेषा सन्दर्भरूपेण व्याख्यानम।5-सस्कृति सहायक कार्येषु उच्चध्यनार्थम छात्रान अवसर प्रदानम

Mission :

  • To inculcate in our students a perfect blend of our ancient knowledge and ethics as well as latest modern methods and techniques so that they become efficient to apply the ancient knowledge in the modern context with the help of modern techniques for the betterment of life.
  • To provide confidence and opportunity to the young generation to create innovative paths of wisdom by applying the core knowledge of our ancient Sanskrit literature to their fields of interest or expertise, so that they can lead the world to better opportunities and positive environment in all streams of knowledge.
  • To conduct various extension programmes to popularize the Sanskrit language and literature among the common people.
  • To use the ICT and other e- resources to establish a strong connect with the learners and the common masses.
  • To expand the reach and dissemination of Sanskrit language by using the platform of social media and electronic media.
  • To encourage and promote the use of Sanskrit language in the functions and other important ceremonies by presenting the inspirational and patriotic theme songs and presentations.
  • To develop E- Content and other Academic material as more student friendly and easy to understand usage of Sanskrit language to draw the interest of the students.
  • To present and showcase the strengths and implied linguistic and phonological power of the Sanskrit language to the Academic world.
  • To focus on the development of structure of collaboration and participation amongst the institutions and the stakeholders.
  • To give boost to the Research and preservation of the creative writings and efforts of the scholars.
  • To use Blooms Taxonomy of affective domain and psychomotor domain in the development of the curriculum for the programmes and the courses.

  • देवभाषा संस्कृते सन्निहितम संस्कृति चेतनाया: अवधारणाम स्थापनार्थम।

    संस्कृत वाग्मयस्य अध्ययनेन सास्कृतिक उन्नयन्ं सम्भव इति विषये छात्र-छात्रान अवगत करणम।

    संस्कृत साहित्ये विद्यमान: योग,आयुर्वेद,नेतिक शिक्षाभिच छात्र-छात्रान अवगत कारणम।

    संस्कृत भाषाया: वेज्ञानिकता विषये छात्रान परिचयम दत्वा टकण -सगणक निर्माणे संस्कृत भाषाया: उपादेयताम स्थापित करणम

SWOC Analysis and Future Plans


  1. Highly qualified and experienced faculty.
  2. A very warm and cordial relationship between students and teacher (student strength being very small).


  1. Lack of ICT facilities.
  2. No separate lab for the subject.
  3. Because of bad weather and cold temperature, classes are not run in the month of February. Snowfall is pervading all over in this tribal region.


  1. Counselling sessions to motivate students to study Sanskrit.
  2. Motivational sessions to guide students to opt Sanskrit as an optional subject in competitive exams.
  3. E- resource center in the college library for e-learning.


  1. Low enrollment in the subject.
  2. Poor background of students (both academic and economic).
  3. Lacking awareness of Sanskrit subject.
  4. Irregularity of students.

Future plans:

  1. To organize more counselling sessions to motivate students to study Sanskrit.
  2. To guide aspiring students for higher courses of study in Sanskrit.
  3. To guide aspiring students to opt as one of the optional subjects in competitive exams.