T.s.Negi GC Reckongpeo
Vision & Mission
Vision :
To excel in Quality education, inculcate good values, promote culture and build a sustainable community that lives in harmony with nature.
Mission :
- To provide educators with effective and relevant professional development, support and materials focusing on geographic concepts, content and pedagogy.
- To educate legislators and education decision-makers at the local, state and national levels about the relevance of geography in the 21stcentury and to motivate and inspire action within the context of curriculum design, professional development, connections between elementary, secondary, and university systems, and professional associations.
- To cultivate awareness among parents of students and the public at large of the importance of geo-literacy and to actively engage citizens in the development of geo-literacy and the institutional structures that will support this mission.
- The mission of the Department of Geography is to provide its students with educational experiences of the highest quality, to conduct vital research that benefits society, and to serve our communities, from the local to the international. We are committed to outstanding teaching and scholarly activities within the framework of academic freedom, the diversity of people and ideas, a spirit of inclusiveness, and a global perspective.
- To employ teaching methods and resources that allow all pupils to achieve their full potential and to experience success and enjoyment in their work
- To encourage students to have open, enquiring minds and to perceive Social Subjects in the context of a wider body of knowledge, vocabulary and skills and to provide a sound basis for life long study and the pursuit of personal interest
- To encourage all students in their work in the department by valuing excellence and celebrating success.
- To develop in students a sense of self respect, respect for others and a respect for the environment.
- To enable students to develop a range of desirable personal qualities such as safety awareness, politeness, perseverance, concern for others, initiative and independence
- To encourage all members of the faculty to pursue personal professional development
- To maintain and stimulate student curiosity, interest and enjoyment in Social Subjects and to acquire knowledge and understanding of the terminology, skills and techniques specific to the various Social Subjects.
- Acquire a framework of knowledge about locations and places that will help them to set local, national and international events within a geographical context and that will support their development of geographical understanding.
- Understand some of the important characteristics of the Earth’s major physical systems – its landforms, weather and climate, hydrological and ecological systems – and the interaction among those systems.
- Understand the significance of location and of distribution patterns in human activities and physical processes; how places are linked by movements of people, materials and information, and by physical, economic, social and political relationships; and the interdependence of people, places and environments throughout the world.
- Understand some of the relationships between people and environments, including both: (i) the influence of environmental conditions on human activities; (ii) the varied ways in which societies with different technologies, economic systems and cultural values have perceived, used, altered and created particular environments.
- Develop a sense of place, a feeling for the “personality” of a place and what it might be like to live there.
- Acquire knowledge and understanding about the physical and human processes that bring about changes in place, space and environments and a critical appreciation of the consequences of changes.
- Develop awareness and appreciation of the ethnic, cultural, economic and political diversity of human society and its geographical expression.
- Acquire the knowledge and develop the skills and understanding necessary to identify and investigate important cultural, social and political issues relating to place, space and environment with sensitivity to the range of attitudes and values associated with such issues.
- Acquire techniques and develop skills and competencies necessary for geographical enquiry and of value for other purposes, especially the making and interpretation of maps, the use of information technology and the conduct of fieldwork.
- Faculty member pays special attention for the students. There is the provision of extra classes and remedial class is for the weak one.
- Students get strength to give competitive exam and some students get placement offer the final exam.
- No Honours course.
- Less faculty members as the college is situated in rural area one low payment from the college authority no one come to do the job here.
- The Department tries to give them knowledge about the world means quality education and make ready the students for higher education or higher academic career.
- To make Geography on promote them for placement
- The Department plan to open Honours course in future.
- To Establish an Automatic Weather Observatory on College Premises.
- To Start a Diploma Course in Remote Sensing
- Department class Seminar
- Department Quiz competition
- Introduction of Declamation contest
- To organize field servey