T.s.Negi GC Reckongpeo
Vision & MISSion
Vision of Department :
To understand and explain land cover, land use, geospatial information and harnessing the integrative nature of geographic science to answer fundamental questions of local and global importance to make the cumulative knowledge serve the mankind and Nature.
Mission of Department :
- To create the academic environment to suit the different learning abilities of the students to justify the Equal opportunity for all.
- To develop the culture of participative learning and experiential learning by promoting the students to undertake projects, assignments, presentations and other experimental methodology to instill confidence among the students.
- To encourage the students to relate the topic of the courses to the prevalent environmental situation in the world and at the local level.
- To foster the awareness of environment by designing the curriculum in such a way to empower the students to understand the factors responsible for the degradation of the Ecology and the Biodiversity.
- To educate the students about the root cause of all geographical manifestations with in-depth knowledge and facts ignite the minds of the students to make them the messengers of environment protectors with a sound knowledge about the process and mechanism of all the natural resources.
- Conducting integrative academic approach that spans from local to global scales, with an emphasis on a geospatial perspective of our changing planet and its sustainability.
- Equipping undergraduate students to meet the challenges associated with the continuing evolution of geographical science.
- Applying geographical science to societal and environmental issues in our area, the state, the nation and the global community.
- To help the local community to better understand the land use pattern in more organized way to enhance to scope of sustainability.
- To record and document the traditional farming techniques and the rain-water harvesting techniques with forecasting of all weather related matters and compare them with the modern remote sensing technology to study the co-existence of the both the science of understanding the natural phenomena.
- To inculcate the judicious perspective towards the Geographical developments in the world among the students to have a balanced approach to the world.
- To promote and inspire the students to take up higher education and research projects for the growth of the innovation and novel techniques for the preservation of the atmosphere.
- To develop the curriculum and academic calendar as per the standard Taxonomy’s to foster the required skills among the students.
- To work for the competency building of the students by giving them exposure to the collaborative learning opportunities and other online and e-resources and experiential learning methods.
- To organize inter-departmental programmes of soft skills and life skills to develop the employability and work ready professionals.
- To develop sensibility, love, fascination, interest and dedication for English language and literature among students.
- To chisel the creativity of budding student writers.
- To remove the low confidence level, hesitation and shyness of students and motivate them to participate in free group discussion using English language.
- To improve grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, reading, speaking, listening & writing skills of students by involving them in group activities.
- Channelize the potential of students into the right direction for overall development of personality.
- Devoted and dedicated faculty.
- Adequate Infrastructure and teaching- learning aids.
- Language Lab with soft & communication skills.
- Innovative, updated and interesting syllabi prescribed by UGC and introduced by H. P. University Shimla.
- Curriculum is designed with emphasis on communication Skills, Creative Writing, Book & Media Review, Academic Writing, Soft. Skills and technical writing etc. which enable students in overall personality development and prepares them to face future challenges.
- Use of Technology
- Access and connectivity with students via social media (Whats app, google meet, zoom meet).
- Effective Online Teaching (during covid period).
- Inordinately large teacher-taught ratio in compulsory courses
- Impact of mother tongue leading to ineffective conversation and expression of students.
- Fear, phobia, hesitation and shyness in speaking the English language.
- Weak foundation of grammar, vocabulary and sentence pattern.
- Frequent transfers of teachers disrupt the connection with the students.
- To help the students in employability by teaching them compulsory and functional English because every job demands proficiency in English.
- To inculcate values and scruples among the students by teaching them English literature.
- To enhance the personality and soft skills of the students.
- To unleash the creativity among the students by motivating them to participate in creative writing.
- To motivate students to go for research work.
- To help students in searching for a career in areas like Journalism and Mass Communication, content writing, editing translation studies and creative writing etc.
Students come under stress at times when they find English language difficult to learn as they come with weak foundations.
As most of the students come from the rural areas so they neither have the environment of speaking English nor the resources to learn it well which results to a sense of inferiority and low level of confidence, especially when they find the students from Convent and English medium schools speaking very good English.
- To encourage students to pursue higher studies.
- To encourage students to prepare for various competitive examinations.
- To develop the basic concept of humanity, moral values and ethics among students.
- To organize National seminars, workshops and conferences on English Language and literature related to multidisciplinary approaches.