T.s.Negi GC Reckongpeo

Vision & Mission

Vision of Department :

To be the department of academic excellence with total commitment to quality education in Commerce, management and related fields, with a holistic concern for better life, environment and society.

Mission of Department :

  • Empowering students with all the knowledge and guidance that they need to become worthy commerce professionals.
  • Learning through Doing.
  • Providing for holistic and value based development of students which ultimately enhances their employability.
  • Developing social consciousness among students.
  • Provide a nurturing and motivating environment to exploit the full potential of the students.
  • Grooming youth to become a truly global personality well equipped to deal with the modern world and its challenges.
  • Enable holistic development of personality with a humane and global outlook.
  • To establish commerce lab to provide with the students the state of the art facility to learn the subject with multi-dimension approach for optimal outcome.
  • To collaborate with other stakeholders of higher education for quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance.


  • To motivate students to become a good citizen of nation.
  • To introduce students of commerce to the Global Business.
  • To motivate students for research projects.
  • To develop communication skills in the students.
  • To acquaint students with recent trends and developments in Commerce.
  • Help to equip and train under Graduate students to accept the challenges of business world by providing opportunities for study and analysis of advanced commercial and business methods and processes.
  • Help to develop independent logical thinking and facilitate personality development.
  • Help to equip the students to seek suitable careers in management and entrepreneurship