T.s.Negi GC Reckongpeo


About Department

The Department of Chemistry was established in 1994 since then the department has been imparting the sound knowledge in Chemistry to the students and is one of the biggest departments of the college.At present, the department of Chemistry is one of the foremost departments offering Discipline Specific Course, elective course and skill enhancement courses at UG level. The department offers courses that inculcate the employability skills and enhances critical thinking of the students which integrates values and entrepreneurial skill development for the students.

The earnest and dedicated faculty of the Department is credited with a good academic record over the last few years. The department strives to attain standards of excellence in teaching-learning and research activities and communication skills.The chemistry department pledges itself to encourage in the broadest and most liberal manner, the advancement of science and particularly chemistry in all of it’s branches through it’s education,reseach and service mission. The department has well equipped laboratories with proper storage space for the chemicals and other lab equipments like conductivity meter, pH meter, spectrophotometer, magnetic stirrers, hot plates, oil baths, hot air oven, heating mantle, distillation assembly, etc. Also classrooms with excellent teaching aids and is actively involved in teaching.The students are encouraged to participate in scientific activities not only as a component of their prescribed studies but also as a mutual contribution for the college and society. There is a strong focus on the student centric activities to involve all the students to some kind of exposure to exhibit their inborn talents and their scientific innovative ideas besides regular teaching learning to groom them as individuals with unique potential.

Chemistry Department Details

Sr. No. Details
1 Name of the Department: CHEMISTRY
2 Year of Establishment: 1994 (UG)
3 Names of Programs/Courses offered: DSC, DSE, SEC (at UG level)
4 Name of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/units involved: Nil
5 Annual/Semester/Choice Based Credit System (programme wise): Annual (CBCS) at UG level
6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc.: Nil
7 Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any) with reasons: Nil
8 Number of Teaching Posts: 02