T.s.Negi GC Reckongpeo
Code of Conduct
- In the college premises every student must be in possession of her valid Identity Card & must wear it throughout till she is on college premises or representing the college at any other place. Whenever demanded by the authorities concerned, the Identity Card must be produced for inspection.
- Students must maintain strict discipline and decorum in the college campus.
- Students should be Punctual in attending their classes.
- Students are not allowed to attend classes other than their own, without the prior permission of the Principal.
- Students are not permitted to bring any outsiders to the College Campus without prior permission of the Principal.
- A student must attend all the tests, tutorials and examinations conducted by the College.
- Every student must complete, all the academic work assigned to her class by the respective teachers, such as the completion or Practical Journal, Home Assignments, Field Diary, Project etc., in time.
- No student should loiter in the corridor or college campus during lecture hours. When they are free, they should go to the library / common room / canteen. No student is permitted to miss the lectures and sit in the canteen / common room/ library.
- Students are not allowed to go out of the College premises, in between the lecture periods or practicals without the permission of the Class in charge Teacher / Principal.
- Every student must always be modestly dressed and observe decorum with regard to both clothing and behavior and should take utmost care not to disturb the working of her own class as well as that of others. For self-financing courses students will have uniform approved by the management.
- Students are not allowed to organize picnics/ activities without prior permission of the Principal.
- No student shall collect any money as contribution towards picnics, trips, educational visits, get together, study-notes, charity or any other activity without the prior permission of the College Principal.
- Every student should take utmost care of the college property to keep the College premises neat, tidy and clean for the common welfare of all. Any willful damage to the property of the College will be dealt with as breach of discipline and is liable for punishment. Such incidences should promptly be reported to the College Principal.
- Students are requested to take care of their own property. The College Authorities are not responsible for the loss of any personal belongings of the students.
- Students should deposit any lost property found by them in the College Office. Such incidences are displayed on the Notice Board. Owners of lost property should enquire and claim the same from the office.
- If a student remains absent without giving a leave application for sizable length of time, her name is liable to be removed from the College rolls.
- Students who fail to maintain the condition of minimum attendance on account of bonafide illness, or any other reason which is deemed right by the Principal, should apply in writing to the Principal for leave of absence, prior or within 2 days from the date of commencement of such leave, failing which they will be treated as defaulters. Application forms are available within or 2 days after joining back (in case of illness) in our office.
- Absence of the student on valid grounds at lectures/ practicals / tutorials / tests/ examinations must be communicated to the College Principal immediately in writing with the necessary supporting documents viz. Medical certificate etc. through the respective class teacher.
- Students who request leave of absence from lectures/practical/tutorials for participation in sports, games, cultural or any other activities for and on behalf of the College/ Activity group, should submit the applications countersigned by the respective Teacher -in-charge before the commencement of such leave, failing which they will be treated as defaulters.
- Parents/ Guardians if accompanying students should sign the visitors register at the gate and maintain decorum in the college.
- All other relatives are directed to obtain written permission from the principal if they want to represent any student.
- Parents of students are requested to kindly contact the Teacher-in-charge of class, Head of Department, Principal, at least once in a term, to keep themselves in touch with their ward’s attendance and progress.
- Counseling center and Mentor System: It has been observed that some of the students have personal problems, causing stress and strain. The college has appointed a councilor to help such students to cope with these problems. The students/ parents are requested to make use of this facility. All matters will be kept confidential. The college has also set up mentor System having teacher mentor to guide the students in their difficulties. In case of any problem, personal or academic, students should report to the teacher-in-charge Mentor teacher who will help them solve their problems.
- No society, association, committee, organization of students should be formed in the College without the sanction of the Principal.
- Outsiders should not be invited to address any meeting or to participate in any college activity without the prior permission of the Principal.
- A teacher conducting a class at a given time shall be in absolute control of the class, and may take appropriate action in order to maintain discipline in the class.
- Any member of the teaching or non-teaching staff may intervene on the spot to deal with disorderly/ destructive activities on the part of the students either in the class room or outside the class room in the College premises.
- Any matter not covered by the rules and regulation in vogue and/or notified through notices, circular, prospectus etc., will rest at the absolute discretion of the Principal. The right of interpretation of any rule is reserved by the Principal.
- All rules and regulations enforced and implemented by the college / Management / U.G.C / University / Government from time to time will remain binding on students.
- Any cost incurred by the college on account of communication owing to indiscipline/default of attendance / not appearing for mandatory internal examinations / viva / not submitting projects by students / any other matters pertaining to college administration related to students will be recovered from the concerned student.